Do you feel open and excited about life? Or do you regularly dwell on what’s “wrong” in your world, on what you’d like to fix or change?
I spoke with a client recently who wanted to feel connected and was struggling. As I listened to his stories I noticed that he expressed a lot of judgment for his circumstances, and so I understood why he felt stuck.
Some people need to learn to say no, but he was not one of them. His mind was filled with “no”s and in doing so he created the very separation he felt in the world around him.
Without getting rid of the no’s or his feelings, I simply asked him what each “no” was a “yes” to. I saw that focusing on what he wanted and not just on what he didn’t would lead him to the feeling of connection he sought.
It’s easy to do, because the no’s and the yes’s go together. It’s just about looking at things a little differently.
We have been living in world where, generally speaking, the mind has been valued over the heart. The mind excels at “no,” and at discernment, where the heart is a master at YES.
Both are valuable, but most of us could use to get more into our hearts. What I am finding as I travel is that when I am in my heart, MIRACLES happen.
At best, the mind keeps me organized or helps me creatively analyze a problem. But the HEART… ahhh…
Let me tell you a story.
The day I woke up in Colorado with plans to drive south to Santa Fe, I woke with guidance to stay in New Mexico about a month. All I had lined up was a friend of a friend’s couch to sleep on for a few nights, but I trusted and felt excited!
Later that day I was driving through Chama, NM and felt guided to call a friend I’d been in touch with, but whom I hadn’t seen in 2 years. I knew she’d been staying near Taos and would be in Chama that night, so I called and left a voicemail saying I was driving through Chama and thinking of her. I also told her I was guided to stay in NM a month.
A few minutes later she called me back to say she was driving towards me, about 10 minutes south on the same road. So after not seeing each other in 2 years we met at a gas station 5 minutes later.
There, she told me that there had just been a cancellation and that the house she’d been staying in near Taos would be available for the next month! This is the house I’ve been at off and on and it has been my favorite place to stay so far.
Had I listened to my mind or any number of “shoulds” this opportunity may never have arose, but since I trusted my heart I was well-provided for! I am grateful for the many experiences like this that “prove” it to my mind who really does want to come along with my heart after all. 🙂
And what does your YES say?
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