Whether it’s money, love, work or something else… intuitive, teacher and author Ann O’Brien shares the #1 block to anchoring the abundance you want.
Learn more and join the upcoming “Anchoring Your Abundance” program starting 3/5!
Practical Spirituality + Empowered Living
If you’re ready for a powerful and positive transformation in your relationships, work, or something else- I have a summer special that I invite you to check out. Over 90 days we can do a deep dive to clear any energy that’s blocking you, activate the potentials you haven’t been seeing and assist you to ground and anchor your new reality.
We are postponing this retreat until April 2020! Learn more and join.
If this sounds good, apply to attend here. There is no obligation and once your application is received, we will schedule a time to connect to be sure it’s a fit before you register.
P.S. Please invite your friends who resonate.
Knocking on doors asking for money taught me so much about the importance of my energy and how I broadcast it. Since this experience, I’ve learned meditation techniques to help me notice my blind spots when it came to my energy “broadcast”. These have been hugely empowering and have brought me much better results in love, money, work– and in just feeling good.
I’d love to share what I learned with you. Watch the video for a taste and to get more, join the Psychic Self Care class starting March 22! Learn more and sign up.