When you grew up, did you hear “Money doesn’t grow on trees,” “We can’t afford that,” or “Save your money for a rainy day”?Sometimes our messages are more subtle. You watched your parents fight about money. You saw your father’s face wrinkle up and get tense as he paid the bills. Your mother seemed ashamed when she came home with shopping bags… she tried to hide them and threw away the receipts and tags. Your father locked the car, rolled up the windows and refused to stop in the neighborhood filled with homeless people. He insisted that people on welfare were lazy.
If you are having money challenges now, or just don’t feel 100% at peace with money… even if you feel great and are ready to bring in even more… taking a look at these money stories can start to shift your reality!
Personally, I’ve wondered why some women easily find men to “take care of them” financially, and why this has never been my story. So I looked a bit further…
First of all, I want to say that I don’t assume men “should” take care of women financially– it is up to each person or couple. But because I wanted to be a mother and devote much of my energy to it, for years I felt pain as I kept meeting men that couldn’t or wouldn’t support that.
I assumed there must be a reason, and so I meditated and asked for guidance. My inner voice, along with my daughter-to-be (before she was even conceived) said, “Keep doing your work.” I knew the Universe was trying to support me in making sure I “needed” to work, since my mission is also important.
I also reflected on all the messages I’d heard– my parents, my childhood, etc. I told myself the story in so many versions my head started to spin, and I renewed my dedication to my work. Still, I had the same result in my life.
Yesterday my Dad emailed to remind me it was the anniversary of his father’s death. And so I reflected on his story of being 5 years old, and his Dad asking him to make him a cup of coffee. My Dad didn’t know how to make coffee, but went and tried, then came back to find his father dead. That left his mother with 4 children to support on her own.
And a light bulb went off– my grandmother felt responsible, that there was no man to do it. She was super resourceful and even though I barely knew her, my father says I am a bit like her.
As for my mother’s mother, she was “taken care of” but deeply wanted to work as a school teacher. Her husband said “People will talk if they see you working.” He thought it would make him look bad! I think in those days, married women weren’t even allowed to teach school!
So I realized I’ve carried the energy of both my grandmothers– one feeling responsible due to circumstances and the other loving to work and wanting to work. I’m sure, if I looked further back in my lineage, there would be more “Ah-has”!
If you’re enjoying this, don’t worry, I do plan to continue working. I just am continually finding more ease with this and am eager to share what I’ve learned.
Besides asking my parents for information, I know another way to clear what’s happened in your lineage and this is through meditation. It is one of many exercises we’ll be doing in my “Manifesting Money” class that starts on Tuesday. Every day, I “see” my family flooded with light and I see forgiveness in all the relationships for generations back. I am sure this has contributed to my “ah-ha’s” and to the increased openness I’ve seen in all my family members.
When my clients are stuck on a problem they’ve processed for a long time, I check their lineage. Often I don’t know (or need to know) the story, but I’ll see a dark cloud or a disconnected line in the family line. I can often tell it’s a grandfather on the mothers’ side, for instance, and sometimes I see what it was. Usually, it’s the things people don’t talk about (like death, betrayal, hardship), that cause problems for generations to come because it was never dealt with in the first place. And we are all so sensitive! It goes beyond genetics.
If you’re curious if something like this might be affecting you, check out the Manifesting Money class or consider a private reading. You’re worth it!