In spirit we are all infinite, all-powerful beings. And most people I work with want to tap into this.
And it’s not just for the money, love and opportunities our power can bring us. If you’ve had a taste of your power (and I bet if you’re reading this, you have), you realize that once you have it, you don’t care so much about that “stuff.”
Many people on a spiritual path try to give up the “stuff” prematurely, which isn’t honest. Our desire for all the pleasures in life can actually fuel our spiritual practice, if we let it.
Another common problem when we repress our desire for stuff is that we deny our own bodies too. We scatter our energy outside ourselves, thinking we’re being “spiritual,” and from there we cannot manifest.
So to claim your spiritual power, you can meditate for years and years, and yes it does add up. But I have a shortcut, and it may surprise you…
Simply call your energy back from everywhere but here and now. What do I mean when I say, “call your energy back?”
You can start by making a list. Write down any fond memories or regrets from the past, your hopes or fears for the future, the places you go or think about, and names of people you’ve had your attention on.
Next, write down any problem you’ve been concerned about, and any stories you’ve been telling yourself about why your life is hard. Guess what? You’ve probably projected your power into all those situations, people, places and times that you just wrote on your paper.
Knowledge is power. You probably got a healing just writing all that down, or even thinking about it.
Try this meditation. To take this even further, join me in a simple visualization practice and call your power back!
Do you have a few minutes?
To practice this, sit on a chair or sofa, in a quiet place with your feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes and allow your belly to rise and fall with your breath, deepening the breath as you relax here.
Imagine a big, bright golden sun above your head. See it a few feet above your body, and imagine that it’s a symbol of your inner light. Imagine it has a magnet inside it.
From here, decide that the magnet is attracting all of your spiritual power. That means all the energy you left in the future or past, other people or other places. That means all the life force you invested in problems that weren’t yours, or in outdated or untrue stories about yourself or life—comes back to you.
Imagine it as if streams of gold light are pouring into the sun above your head. They are pouring in from everywhere around you, and the sun is getting bigger and more radiant.
When you feel ready, take a deep breath in, as if you could drink in the gold light. Let it pour through you from head to toe, flooding your body and being, then surrounding you in a cocoon of gold.
It’s that simple. Do this every day, or whenever you feel scattered. When you’re busy, you can even just think about it for a minute and it helps. Try it and see.
I do this at the end of every session with my clients, and I can even help you see where you’ve left your energy. If you feel this could help you, let us know… I am available for sessions for just a few more weeks before I take maternity leave.