If you feel tired, scattered, lost, or disconnected from your joy or passion, you don’t have to feel stuck. All of these feelings are just signs that it’s time to replenish your energy.
Most of us weren’t taught much of anything about energy. It’s one of the things I wish were in the curriculum at all schools! Kids have the awareness, but since this rarely gets talked about, it gets forgotten and we grow up to be confused adults.
Here are some of my favorite questions to ask about energy:
- How do I tell the difference between my energy and someone else’s?
- What do I do if I start feeling energy I don’t like?
- How can I use my power to create using energy?
- Does my energy ever get stuck in other people or places? How do I get it back?
As for the last question… YES. We all leave our energy all over the place and so we need to replenish regularly.
A great exercise at the end of every day would be to “call your energy back” from other people and places, the future and past. Just consider all the places you went today, the people you talked with or thought about, all the memories you replayed and all the future desires or fears you had. That will give you a good idea where your energy went!
Sometimes we’re reluctant to call our energy back from other people. Whether it’s your child, your lover, that important client or the person who made you mad– it’s easy to misunderstand and think we’ll get what we want if we keep our energy in their space. Usually, the opposite is true.
You are most attractive when full of your own energy. That’s what people like about you! No matter what you look like, what you wear or say, your own energy is radiant.
I recently talked with a client on Skype who had ended a difficult relationship and moved to a new city since I saw her a year or so ago. Even with no makeup on, she absolutely glowed because she was “in her element.” This kind of magnetism is what attracts love, money and opportunities.
Just think about it– you are probably more drawn to those who don’t want anything from you. So go ahead– call your energy back from anyone you’d like anything from– and test it out.
As for the future and the past… there is a place for planning and dreaming and there is a place for reviewing where we’ve been. But, if you’re spending a lot of time reminiscing or replaying past experiences, you’re missing the present moment. And we often get confused about the future, thinking if we worry or plan or visualize enough, we’ll assure the outcome we want. The problem is: if our energy is off in the future, we have no “fuel” (so to speak) to get from here to there. And so it remains a dream.
On a daily basis, most of us leak energy when we go from point A to point B. From waking up to getting out the door, to shifting between meetings or phone calls or school or errands or whatever we do in a day, every transition is an opportunity to leave a little energy behind in the last place. We rush, we zone out, and we somehow think our time in-between things is not important. It is.
In dance, I learned to focus as much on the transitions as on the moves. Doing so is what we call grace. In dance and in life.
The truth is, when we have our energy with us, we can manifest more!
Innately, we know we need to replenish but often don’t know how. We fill with things that aren’t us. We fill with other people’s energy, food or stimulation. And then we feel empty the next day.
TRY THIS guided meditation for replenishing your energy now:
- Sit in a comfortable seat with your feet flat on the floor, eyes closed and spine tall.
- Exhale deeply out the mouth and imagine letting go of anything you’re holding that you don’t need. Anything you’ve filled with that isn’t serving you now.
- Imagine you’re sitting on a giant tree trunk. It’s connected at the top to your hips and pelvis, and it’s roots wrap around the center of the earth.
- Keep exhaling and let anything you’re releasing fall down this grounding cord.
- Now ask yourself: “Where am I right now?” Besides your body sitting in the chair, where is your energy? Be open and amused at the answers you receive.
- Create the image of a magnetic golden sun above your head. Let it be about 3x as big as your physical body.
- Allow the gold sun to “call back” all of your energy that was in other people, the future, the past, or other places. People you love, people you judge, people you admire, your plans, worries, fears, guilt, nostalgia, what if’s, and daily activities are good places to start calling your energy back from.
- If there is a specific desire you have in your life, call that in too! Call in the resources you need to support you. I always like to say “This or something better” to honor everyone’s free will. Not to mention, things can always get better than we imagine.
- When you’re done, let the gold sun pour down through the crown of your head and into every cell of your body. Fill with yourself!
- If there are parts of your body that need a little extra love, fill those places more.
- Let the gold sun expand a few feet around your body in every direction, then open your eyes and stretch.
You can do this morning, noon or night– whenever you need an extra boost. Enjoy!
Like this? Check out the Meditation 101 class starting 4/22 and learn more ways to clear, replenish, tune in for guidance and manifest using your own energy!