Every time I turn around it seems like women are leaving men. I can count 4 clients and close friends in the last few months alone– all of whom spent months or years convincing themselves they were happy and then suddenly couldn’t take it.
On a similar note, I couldn’t even begin to count how many female clients come to me complaining about men. They haven’t left (physically anyway), but feel resigned to a situation that displeases them.
I remember asking one woman I met who had been with her husband for decades, “What’s the secret?”
She said, “Low expectations.” I nodded and thought, I’m going to ask someone else.
I grew up listening to my mother complain about my father. I knew in my heart and soul but in my mind, it took me awhile to realize he was a good man.
Now I’m absolutely in favor of feeling and expressing our feelings– I do it plenty myself! But that’s different than complaining as a matter of habit, staying in a rut and assuming “this is as good as it gets.”
I also understand how much the feminine has been abused and dismissed on a planetary level, and how this has affected us all personally to some degree. But if we want to live amidst men, if we want to be inspired by men, and even to access our inner masculine, let’s stop complaining and support men!
No, this does not mean stay in an abusive relationship for those that are in them. No, this does not mean make ourselves smaller to accommodate men who don’t own their power.
It means loving ourselves and being strong and peaceful inside enough to also see beyond ourselves and into the heart of another. And as we are true to ourselves, others either step up or leave if they are unwilling or unable. Better that than complaining or grinning and bearing it for years!
Our thoughts and feelings all affect one another, and in a female-male partnership, the woman’s energy affects the man powerfully. Powerfully.
This is one plight of the feminine, that her gifts have been largely invisible, but it’s also one of our secrets. So ladies, if you hold in your heart and mind the possibility of fulfillment, only then do you have a chance of getting it.
Imagine the collective imprint on men of all the complaining– of the mass belief that men are jerks. What if we could see the truth, own our feelings when someone acts like a jerk, and at the same time hold a commitment to love?
Seeing one another is a HUGE first step, so obvious and yet so neglected. This is one of the most powerful benefits of an intuitive reading– a spiritual “hello”:
No, you are not crazy. Yes, you are powerful beyond measure. Yes, I see what you are feeling and it’s valid. And here’s a neutral perspective on how you can heal it.
I have been really enjoying working with more men lately as well as women and couples. I love assisting in harmonizing the masculine and feminine and I feel so honored to connect with people in a true, deep way.
We are all doing our best and we can all use support from time to time. I am seeing so many good men out there that are just lost, unseen or lonely.
I am also inspired by the wave of conscious men that are waking up and being lights in the world. Let’s stop leaking our energy into complaining and re-route it into love, consciousness and creative resolution!
copyright 2011 Ann O’Brien- All Rights Reserved.