I know, in spiritual circles it might sound like “limitation” is a bad word. But I am increasingly convinced that embracing it IS the key to lasting success when it comes to making our dreams real in our physical lives.By this I mean if you want money, if you want business or creative success, if you want a real relationship and if you want to feel great in your body— you need to have a respectful relationship with limitiation. Even– and I know this may sound crazy– enjoy it!
I know if you are reading this, you are naturally spiritual or at least know you are more than your body, and you understand on some level that the Universe is unlimited. That’s true, and our work in these bodies is to bring that unlimited potential into a physical, limited form.
So if you want to just feel joy and bliss, go ahead and meditate and focus on limitlessness. If you don’t want any tangible results in your life, that works. I did it for awhile and while I loved my meditations, my life got harder, not easier!
I’m not saying to never do this, just beware if you always do it.
So what are some signs you are not respecting limits enough?
- You tend to have fantasy relationships, or you or your partner feel disconnected from one another
- You visualize and affirm your dreams and still they haven’t come true
- You don’t feel connected to your body
- You are chronically late or in debt
- You push yourself to the point of exhaustion
- You frequently feel embarrassed
- Try a grounding meditation. This is the first thing I teach in the first class of the Intuitive Training Program, because in my opinion it lays a foundation for healthy and effective intuitive awakening. Here is a 4-minute sample.
- Allow yourself big goals and dreams, but then think backwards from your goal to where you are now. How big is the gap? Where will you need to be right before you get your goal? What will you need before that? Keep back-stepping until you get to where you are now. Now, you know where to begin! This can be applied even to simple things, like if you know you have an appointment at 3 pm and you have 6 things to do between now and then, consider how much time you need for the 6 things and be sure you start in time to do them and get to your appointment on time!
- Listen to your body: rest when you need rest, eat when hungry, drink water when thirsty, exercise when your body groans and starts to squeak (or ideally before 🙂
- Check in with your loved ones. You all may be psychic, but don’t assume they know how you feel or what you need. Use words, touch and actions, and everyone will feel more connected and secure.
How can you tell whether you’re in a healthy place of honoring limitation or if you’re just in fear and contraction?
- When we honor limitation, there is a feeling of enthusiasm and empowerment. You feel centered, in command and “on track” towards your goal.
- When we are in fear and focusing on limits in an unhealthy way, there is a feeling of contraction and disconnection from Source. We focus on why things cannot happen instead of how they can.
In the physical world, limitations exist. To not honor that is to be to some degree in fantasy or denial. It can also be disrespectful to other people, but ultimately you are the one who pays for it.
But here is the interesting part, and here is where the joy comes in…
As soon as we embrace limitation, we suddenly become unlimited in our 3-D lives. But the tricky part is we have to fully say OK to limitation first.
It’s like letting go of a relationship to allow it to come back stronger. If we let go with an ulterior motive, we are still hanging on and it won’t work.
So we have to fully say, “Ok, I’ll pay bills, I’ll be on time, I’ll communicate and keep my word, I’ll take care of my body, I’ll be practical about my goals” etc. etc. and to some extent surrender our fantasies.
And then BOOM– suddenly we get so lined up with our desires that they start to come our way and we feel absolutely unlimited.
As long as we resist getting grounded and being practical, we can never be unified because we are always fighting something in our minds. And as long as we are fighting and dividing ourselves– part of us feeling the bliss of limitlessness and part of us hating the fact that we have bodies or bills or human emotions to deal with– we have too much “friction” in the way of our success.
Here is another secret: Limits aren’t really as limited as we might think. Everything in the physical world vibrates and is ultimately made of space. Our bodies, for example, are mostly water and so actually very changeable.
When we consider “getting in our bodies,” many of us feel like we have to stuff our big, wild selves into a container and we understandably rebel! But instead we can imagine we are just coming in for a landing, that our spiritual being starts to vibrate in the cells of our body which begin to radiate with our joy.
Then we can imagine that our physical body and actions start to resonate naturally with who we really are. I feel this a lot in my yoga practice or when I’m in nature, but you can also just imagine it. Try it and see!
Meanwhile if you’d like to read more on this topic and how to cultivate your energy in your body and empower your life, check out this article I published a couple years ago, “Do You Leak Energy?“
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copyright 2012 Ann O’Brien- All Rights Reserved.
I often try to reduce concepts to a few words, for my own benefit. My summary of the narrative above goes something like this: Use practical street smarts, focus, and logic to achieve goals. But at the same time let your mind creatively explore infinite possibilities.
Well, something like that 🙂