Given the current economic climate and uncertainty in the world, I know many people who are feeling stuck or helpless, or at least in the midst of much change. While it may be hard to laugh at times, it’s a great time to throw up our hands in the air and say, “Ok, I’ve tried everything I know. I give up. Will someone please show me a miracle?”
Whether it’s money, a relationship, your health or something else, it takes more that just planning, working hard or begging God in order to manifest your dreams. Read on for the 4 secrets to manifesting your desires…
Secret #1: Be Grateful
You have probably heard, “The rich get richer, the poor get poorer.” While this reflects a socio-economic division in today’s world, it is also a modern version of an ancient law.
This law says something like, “To those who have, more will be given. And, to those who don’t value what they have, even what they do have will be taken away.”
Think about it. If you were to offer someone a compliment, gift or invitation, and they broke into a huge grin and gave you a hug in gratitude, would you be likely to offer them another compliment, gift or invitation sometime?
What if you offered that person the gift and they made a face then complained that it wasn’t the right size or color, or if you offered them a compliment and they denied it, saying they were really a loser? Would you probably offer them more?
And if someone were walking around scowling and complaining that what they have isn’t enough, would you more likely reach out to them, or would you choose the person next to them smiling and enjoying their life?
The Universe is a lot like you, so smile, appreciate what you have and watch it grow!
Secret #2: Destroy
Now that sounds harsh. But in ancient spiritual traditions they do talk of 3 aspects of creation: create, maintain and destroy.
In Christianity those are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In Hinduism they are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva.
And we don’t need religion to see that in nature there are cycles. The leaves fall in autumn and seeds sprout in the spring. The seeds are nurtured and maintained by the rhythms of sun and rain.
In order to create and sustain something new we need to let go of the old.
If it’s a new relationship you want, maybe it’s time to let go of an old destructive habit, or objects that remind you of your ex, or clothes that don’t flatter you.
If it’s money you’re after, are you spending it unconsciously, or on things you don’t value? Can you let go of spending your time on unrewarding pursuits? Can you let go of one old story that convinces you you’re unworthy?
No matter what you desire, have courage to consciously let go and see what comes!
Secret #3: Maintain
Some people are great at starting things, but they never seem to keep up with what they start. Others destroy their whole life before they go “Uh-oh, my life wasn’t so bad after all.” Oops!
Spend some time every day taking care of what you value and what you are creating.
For example, if you are launching a new business project, keep up with your emails, phone calls, taxes, paperwork, etc. If you’re writing a book or recording a CD, commit to a schedule so it gets done.
Do you spend time regularly checking in with your partner or family to appreciate them, ask how they’re doing and how you can support them, or express your concerns? Too many months or years of this and your relationship can end up destroyed without your meaning to!
Secret #4: Create
This can be the fun part, or it can be the scary part. You may have great ideas but are you actually DOING anything about them?
In her book The Wealthy Spirit, Chellie Campbell refers to this process as “sending out ships.” You may not know which of your efforts will yield rewards, but if you send out enough ships, chances are some will… and most importantly the Universe will hear you.
If you’re looking for a job, this might mean putting your resume out in various places, and not just waiting and hoping someone will notice your skills. If you want a new relationship it may mean dating online, or changing your usual routine, or making the effort to smile and flirt a little.
So many times when I put up my cards around town, I get emails or calls from new clients. The interesting part is that they rarely saw the cards, but usually found me some other way! I truly believe that sincerity is what attracts things to us, so don’t worry so much about WHAT you do, just do!
For a few days, pick one thing you’d like to manifest. For those days, in the area of your concern, have a goal to express gratitude 3 times, let go of 3 things, do 3 things to maintain or nurture what you’re creating, and take 3 new action steps.
I don’t mean for you to get obsessive and rigid about this, but it’s a useful exercise to see what areas you tend to focus on and what areas you tend to neglect. It’s an excellent way to form new habits, say, of calling someone just to say “thank you” and notice how great that feels!
We all naturally create, destroy, and maintain. You may realize that most of your creative energy is going into inventing all the things that could go wrong– so much that there’s no room to create your new project, happy love life or your physical well-being.
Maybe you maintain your relationship really well but neglect your bills. Maybe you let go easily of your old job but can’t seem to change your toxic relationship patterns.
I intend that by becoming aware and practicing these secrets you find fulfillment greater than you’ve ever imagined! And if I can help you with a reading or healing, don’t hesitate to ask!
copyright 2009 Ann O’Brien- All Rights Reserved.