Heartbreak can feel like numbness, a literal pain or ache, or a devastating sense of loss or yearning. There are different kinds of heartbreak:
- Heartbreak after a relationship breakup or loss of a loved one
- The loneliness of yearning for love, for that special someone who you don’t know yet
- Disconnection within a relationship, when you know there is so much more love and intimacy possible
- The sense of emptiness when you are not giving your heart’s gifts to the world
Energy healing can help with any of these, and there is one common thread:
It’s painful when we don’t get what we want, but even more so when we aren’t giving what we have to give.
We often get this one backwards. We think if only we had him/ her again, or if only we could find “the one”, or if only our partner or circumstances would change, then we could be happy.
Put simply, we’re in heartbreak when we’re not giving or connecting. When we’re closing down to ourselves, the world, and of course– to true intimacy and aliveness.
And then, in attempt to solve this problem, here is the other thing that really gets us in heartbreak… In order to try to connect the way we desire, we give our energy away rather than giving from our fullness.
Then, we become even more lonely. And what we’re really missing is ourselves.
Because we’re more lonely, we try harder. It’s a vicious cycle. But, we can do something about it! Even if it seems counter-intuitive…
So, my dear, give yourself a big hug and take a seat in a comfortable spot with your eyes closed and feet the floor. Then, stretch your arms wide open before dropping them down, resting the backs of your palms on your thighs.
Allow yourself to fully exhale and soften your body as you do. With every exhale, root and “land” in your body the best you can. With every inhale, sit a little taller, and imagine opening to love and expanding your heart.
Wiggle your fingers and toes and feel your energy waking up throughout your body. Roll your shoulders and make circles with your hips. Feel your sit bones pressing down, and for a moment connect to a sense of gravity. Feel how the earth beneath your feet is always “holding” you.
In your mind’s eye, picture a huge, radiant golden sun above your head. Allow the gold sun to have a magnet in it, a magnet for all the energy you gave away or forgot was yours. A magnet for your love and life force!
Now, imagine that your energy starts flying back into the sun. Call your energy back from:
- any and all current or past partners
- your family
- anyone you’ve desired, admired or felt jealous of
- the future
- the past
- other places
- anyone, anywhere and anything else that comes to mind.
“See” your energy streaming back as beautiful, clear rays of golden light. Once your sun is full and your energy is back, imagine you “pop” the sun and allow your body to absorb the light. Allow your own light and energy to fill you up and surround you in a body-shaped cocoon of gold.
Pay attention to where it goes. You may notice certain organs or parts of your body, or you may notice certain sensations or “a-has” as you fill in. Take care to fill in:
- your heart
- your pelvis and sexual/ creative organs
- your legs and lower body (most of us are less present there)
- your back side (represents the past and our unconscious as well as feeling supported)
- any other place where you’ve felt numbness or pain
In the past, I have combined this kind of meditation with movement or affirmations, both of which boost it’s power. Try it and see how you feel, and feel free to post a comment below.