Hint: Neutrality has joy in it!
Watch the video to learn how to tell the difference and find a more joyful, life-enhancing way.
Practical Spirituality + Empowered Living
If you’ve ever wondered how to move on from a relationship where you still feel energetically connected, this is for you.
Whether the relationship is simply impractical or toxic, whether you see them around or have blocked them on every possible channel— your energetic connection may be keeping you from moving on successfully in life and love.
Watch and learn ways to call your power back and clear them out of your field.
Get the book, A Woman’s Guide to Conscious Love: Navigating the Play of Feminine and Masculine Energy in Your Relationships.
I have a limited # of promotional codes, and I’d love to gift you the Everyone Is Psychic audio book! These are available today and tomorrow only, as long as supplies last.
Because this book is full of guided meditations, I highly recommend the audio book version to get the most out of it! If you listen and enjoy it, I’d love a review to help more people find it.
I have dedicated my life to mastering energy, and teaching other people how to do it. It’s super empowering and fun. I can’t tell you how many “ah-ha’s” I’ve witnessed, because the thing about energy is it’s so THERE even when it’s “invisible”. Naming it and working to use it instead of letting it use you brings such huge relief.
I have seen couples bring the spark back after major disconnection, women find their soulmates, babies conceived and born, family issues smooth out after years of tension, women starting their dream businesses, men and women dreaming big and finding successes they never would have achieved when they were bogged down with energy that wasn’t serving them. All this and more can shift through simple guided meditation, visualization and awareness practices.
I feel very inspired to support anyone ready for a breakthrough or going through challenges right now. If you sense there may be an “energy” component to your issue, or if you’ve tried other methods and still feel stuck or yearning for more, I invite you to join the upcoming class, Psychic Self Care for Sensitives and Creatives. We start Monday, 10/22! And let’s go into the holidays etc. feeling clear and bright!