Are you open to your psychic self as natural and normal? What ways can you enhance your friendship with intuition? How can you support yourself with healthy psychic self care? What ways can you develop your spirit baby communication practices?
Supercharge Your Manifesting MEDITATION (for Women)
Energy Choices That Hurt
Here are some examples:
- Giving your energy to someone else. I’m not talking about sharing energy. That feels good. I’m talking about giving away your creative power- so someone else can use it. In this case, the life gets sucked out of your dreams. For example, if you focus in jealousy on that “other woman” or “other man,” or on that person who gets the job you want- you are actually increasing their success through the emotional power you give the situation. Or, if you give and give to someone in hopes they will one day give back to you, and they rarely or never do- ouch.
- Abandoning your energy. Besides giving our energy to others, we tend to leave it in other places, the future and the past. This can happen for so many reasons, but a common one is that we “check out” in moments of pain. It’s totally human to not want to feel pain, but going numb creates a downward spiral, because the less we’re “home” to feel what we feel: a). the more it hurts and b). the more vulnerable we become to picking up more “negative” energy.
- Making choices when you’re feeling bad. This can look like eating an entire candy bar, drinking too much wine, texting your toxic ex in a moment of loneliness, or reacting to something that triggers you instead of taking the time to “catch your breath” and find a constructive response. The above might sound obvious, but we all need reminders at times! In my work, I also receive calls from people in fear, whose questions come from fear. This is why I also teach meditation and tools for personal empowerment, because we get way better answers when we first center ourselves and then ask our life’s questions.
- Not choosing. There is a law in physics that says every empty space will be filled. That means you! There is value in going with the flow at times, but you can do so from a place of being full. Be full of wonder, of conscious surrender, of inspired creation. Some practical tools to achieve this are affirmations, prayer, and visualization exercises. One of my favorite ones that I share in the upcoming Psychic Self Care class is to consider how you want to feel, and then ask what color makes you feel that way. Surround yourself with an “energy bubble” of that color!
I have dedicated my life to mastering energy, and teaching other people how to do it. It’s super empowering and fun. I can’t tell you how many “ah-ha’s” I’ve witnessed, because the thing about energy is it’s so THERE even when it’s “invisible”. Naming it and working to use it instead of letting it use you brings such huge relief.
I have seen couples bring the spark back after major disconnection, women find their soulmates, babies conceived and born, family issues smooth out after years of tension, women starting their dream businesses, men and women dreaming big and finding successes they never would have achieved when they were bogged down with energy that wasn’t serving them. All this and more can shift through simple guided meditation, visualization and awareness practices.
I feel very inspired to support anyone ready for a breakthrough or going through challenges right now. If you sense there may be an “energy” component to your issue, or if you’ve tried other methods and still feel stuck or yearning for more, I invite you to join the upcoming class, Psychic Self Care for Sensitives and Creatives. We start Monday, 10/22! And let’s go into the holidays etc. feeling clear and bright!
How to Change Your Environment- VIDEO
I’ve always wanted to change the world, and it seems I’m not the only one these days. People who’ve been passive are waking up, and that’s a good thing. But…
I’ve learned there are some really effective ways to change our environment… and some methods that totally bomb out and make things worse. It’s an art to empower ourselves and others in the process instead of making others wrong, overextending or shrinking.
Whether it’s the government, your family or that annoying stranger at the grocery store, tune in here for ways to change them that actually *support* them as well as you.
Transform Your Sensitivity Instantly- VIDEO
Are you sensitive to other people’s attention? Whether that attention is “good” or “bad,” this attention can be challenging for us intuitive, empathic and sensitive types.
This video is a personal story of a recent trip to a New Mexico hot springs, where I felt some unwelcome attention coming my way– and transformed it in seconds. Enjoy the crisp blue skies, far out rocks and universal message in this story!