If you’re ready for a powerful and positive transformation in your relationships, work, or something else- I have a summer special that I invite you to check out. Over 90 days we can do a deep dive to clear any energy that’s blocking you, activate the potentials you haven’t been seeing and assist you to ground and anchor your new reality.
(VIDEO) Why You Shouldn’t Test a Psychic… and What to Do Instead
Learn how to get the best psychic readings by showing up with intention + openness. In this video, intuitive teacher + author Ann O’Brien explains why testing a psychic will backfire… and what to do instead. She also discusses the importance of the energy you put out, and how to improve your life by adjusting your energy.
Learn more about the 6-month, online Intuitive Training Program staring 10/19/22.
What I Learned as a Door to Door Environmentalist- VIDEO
Knocking on doors asking for money taught me so much about the importance of my energy and how I broadcast it. Since this experience, I’ve learned meditation techniques to help me notice my blind spots when it came to my energy “broadcast”. These have been hugely empowering and have brought me much better results in love, money, work– and in just feeling good.
I’d love to share what I learned with you. Watch the video for a taste and to get more, join the Psychic Self Care class starting March 22! Learn more and sign up.
How to Change Your Environment- VIDEO
I’ve always wanted to change the world, and it seems I’m not the only one these days. People who’ve been passive are waking up, and that’s a good thing. But…
I’ve learned there are some really effective ways to change our environment… and some methods that totally bomb out and make things worse. It’s an art to empower ourselves and others in the process instead of making others wrong, overextending or shrinking.
Whether it’s the government, your family or that annoying stranger at the grocery store, tune in here for ways to change them that actually *support* them as well as you.
Colors- Their Meanings and Uses
Clairvoyance means “to see clearly,” or to see things that are not visible to the physical senses. While many people assume this is a special talent for the few, everyone is clairvoyant and it starts with our ability to imagine.
Even after over 15 years of using my clairvoyance, I start every reading by simply noticing the colors that pop into my awareness when my client says his or her name. Then, I say what the colors mean to me.
Often the person says,”Wow, that pretty much sums up how I’m feeling right now” or “You just answered my question and I haven’t even asked it yet.”
It’s not magic and you can do it too! Consider one person close to you, close your eyes and ask yourself what color comes to mind when you think of them. In this moment, how does that color make you feel? Do you see pictures or get messages to go with it? If you were to make it up, what would this suggest to you about the person?
Learning to read energy can be that easy. The biggest thing most of us need to learn is to trust ourselves. That takes practice, and so does having the guts to tell someone or act on what you see. Start with small things to build your confidence. Your skills will get refined over time, and your abilities will grow the more you use them and receive positive feedback.
People often ask me what individual colors mean. While this is subjective and I encourage you to listen to your own wisdom case-by-base, here are some examples from my experience:
Red– anger, passion, rage, energy, assertiveness, strong life force, the physical or practical world
Orange– playfulness, creativity, sexuality, nurturing, strength
Yellow– mental activity, creativity, sociability, centeredness or scattered energy, joy/ light/ sunshine
Green– healing, growth, prosperity, new beginnings, the heart
Blue– calm, control, order, sadness, peace, expansiveness, the throat and communication/expression
Purple– spirituality, depth, faith, royal/ regal energy
Pink– love, feminine energy, receptivity, the heart
White– transcendence, oneness, expansiveness (beyond the physical body), unconsciousness
Black– nothingness, foreign energy (energy that does not belong to the person), energy that denies life, stuck energy (life force that is not moving)
Besides using colors to read another person’s energy (or the energy of a situation, place or event), you can also use colors to attract certain experiences to you and to project certain qualities. For example, if you desire love, you might surround yourself with a pink bubble. If you desire money or growth, try green. My favorite is the “law-abiding citizen blue” I use around my car every time I see a cop car. To this day I have never gotten pulled over while using it!
There are actual studies showing that cops pull over certain colored cars more than others, and that men feel more attracted towards women wearing certain colors. So why not play with it by projecting mental image pictures?
You aren’t putting the colors or pictures into anyone else’s mind specifically, this is about YOU choosing the qualities you desire to experience in any given moment. You are infinite, so why not tap into different aspects of yourself? 🙂
One of my favorite meditations we do in the Awaken Your Clairvoyance Program takes you through the rainbow. I guide you in a specific process of visualizing each color one by one as a way to clear and balance your own energy. Would you like to try it? I recorded a 20-minute sample for you and you can listen here:
Let me know what you think, and feel free to post any questions below.
Like this meditation? There’s more where this came from! Check out the Awaken Your Clairvoyance and Meditation 101 programs starting 7/21.
I’m happy to hop on the phone with you if you’re considering and have questions; just let me know. Also, consider that I’ll credit you back $100 each for you and a friend new to my classes, when you register for the Clairvoyance program together. 🙂