As human beings, we tend to obsess over sex, money, time and our health. Some of us obsess over all of them, but pretty much everyone fixates on at least one of those things. And, in a sense, they all boil down to one thing:
Specifically, concerns about sex, money, time or health all relate to how we are managing our energy. Here are some examples:
- A lack of sexual energy can reflect a challenge with accessing one’s masculine or feminine energy or creative power. It can mean there is programming or trauma saying this energy is “bad” or “too much” or that turning it on makes you too vulnerable.
- An over-emphasis on sexual energy can be a way to look for power outside yourself. Using this energy to manipulate, feeling “needy” for it, or (particularly for men) “leaking” it too frequently or without heart can drain your life force.
- When you lack energy, or are disconnected from your natural energy, it can show up as feeling that you don’t have enough money or time.
- Not knowing how to manage your money or time means you’re not sure how to manage your energy, and perhaps, that you don’t honor your energy on some level.
- Edgar Cayce, the famous psychic from the turn of the century, said that all health issues relate to circulation— in other words, movement of energy. It makes sense from the Chinese medical perspective as well, for they refer to energy stagnation, excess or weakness when treating physical imbalances.
So if sex, money, time and health all come down to energy, why do we focus on them so much? Why not focus on energy?
Paradoxically, energy management is something that is not really taught in schools. I didn’t learn much about energy growing up, and seeing the need for it has made this a focus of my teaching.
I have seen time and time again– in my own life and in my clients– that when we shift our energy, external “problems” get solved– often much more easily than we could have imagined. And, the benefits we get are more far-reaching– we get our problem solved PLUS a big upgrade to our life. Voila!
So let’s focus on energy for a minute…
Consider these questions to get a pulse on your “energy IQ”:
- Do you know where your energy is right now? You know where your body is, but where is your attention? Is your mind on other people, the future, the past, or in another place? Do you feel present? Is there energy in your body? If so, where? Are you in several places at once?
- Can you tell if someone else’s energy is in your space? If so, how? Do you feel it, see it, hear it or just know?
- Do you notice your energy changing in certain environments? When you eat certain foods? What makes you feel healthier? What seems to balance your sexual energy? When are you clear-headed?
- Do you honor your energy when it comes to your time and money?
- Do you know how to “set your energy” to be more magnetic, to project certain qualities and to attract certain experiences?
If you easily know the answers to most of these, you are probably pretty “energy-savvy”. If not…
There are a lot of great ways to get to know your energy and begin to harness it. Yoga, martial arts, and certain styles of meditation actively focus on it. Most any physical activity done mindfully, cleaning up your diet and receiving bodywork or energy healing are also excellent.
In the Meditation 101 class, I teach you techniques that will allow you to answer the above questions for yourself on a daily basis. The practices create shifts in your daily, practical life, plus connect you to your intuition. Meditation 101 (as well as Awaken Your Clairvoyance) start 7/21.
Enjoy, and feel free to post any questions or comments below!