I’ve been sharing a lot of cute stories, but to tell you the full truth… pregnancy is also a big time of clearing and letting go of fear. And, pregnant or not, it seems like most people I know are in the midst of major change.
So many people seem to be feeling like their old life is falling away, and like they’re living a new life that they haven’t quite figured out yet. It’s like time is speeding up and we’re all doing our best to surf the waves and not get knocked over.
Can you relate? If so, I’d like to share with you one of my best secrets for quickly transforming fear.
Besides my daily meditation and visualization, this is one of the tools I have used for years to let go of fear and claim my power to create the life I choose. It has been SO powerful for me, especially when I follow the specific steps I’m about to share with you, below.
This is one of the daily exercises I’ll be sharing in my new “Jump Start Your Intuition” program. And since the program gives you an exercise a day for 21 days, I figure I can share one for free and help you get started right now.
I did this the other day when I felt so tired, with a pressure in my head like I was fighting off getting sick. I knew though, that it was emotionally based and so I sat down to do this practice. Within 12 hours, I felt physically fine and the things I’d been affirming had already started to happen!
1). Take out some paper or a notebook and pen. I suggest writing by hand rather than on the computer, because studies show that writing by hand makes a much bigger impact on the subconscious mind.
2). Write down your fears and challenges on the left side of the paper, or on one piece of paper, saving the right side or another piece for what you’ll do next. Please be honest; do not censor yourself or hold back. The more real you can get here, the more powerful this technique will be for you.
Write everything you can think of right now that you’re worried about. These could be big things like: “I’ll be alone forever” or “I’m going to run out of money,” or little things like “I’m afraid I said something stupid to so & so” or “my hair never looks good.”
3). Read over your fears one-by-one, and for each one, you’ll write a positive affirmation to counter it. Write your positive affirmations to the right of your fears.
Using the example above, you may instead say: “I always feel loved and supported;” “I always have more money coming in than going out;” “I feel confident in what I said to so & so. I always make a great impression,” or “I love how my hair looks!”
Please customize these statements based on your personal fears and desires. For one person, the fear of being alone forever might mean being single, while for another it might mean feeling disconnected from family. When you write your positive affirmations, feel free to add in statements that speak to what you really want.
A few tips on writing your affirmations:
- Write your affirmations in present tense, as if they are happening now.
- Use positive statements. State just what you want and are choosing to have, and don’t mention what you don’t want.
- Use uplifting words like love, grateful, bliss, joy, etc. Pick words that make you feel good, and imagine you are feeling them as you have the things you desire.
Example: “I am so grateful at the amazing love relationship I have in my life. I feel more and more bliss every day.”
What if you don’t believe yourself?
If it’s a stretch for you to imagine feeling bliss in partnership when you haven’t had a date in 5 years and feel totally down on yourself, try something like this: “I am feeling better about myself every day, and I’m amazed at the new men (or women) I’m starting to meet.”
No matter whether your issue is love, money, health or something else, start by affirming whatever you can imagine today. Our future is created by our moment-by-moment choices, so by taking one step in that direction you are on your way to success!
Why affirmations sometimes don’t work
Most people write or say affirmations without pausing first to face their fears. Without acknowledging what you’re actually worried about, you cannot accurately pinpoint what you’re going to create instead.
So, if you need money and just affirm, “I am a millionaire,” it may not work for you if your real issue is that you feel powerless because your family or partner has controlled all your money. A better affirmation in this case would be: “I love how powerful I feel about my ability to create and handle money on my own terms, while doing things I love,” or “All my relationships concerning money are filled with mutual generosity, support and harmony.”
Apply these suggestions to your situation and see how it goes!
BONUS TIP: Record your affirmations and listen to them over & over.
This is my biggest secret to success. Yes, simply acknowledging your fears and writing your positive statements is huge and will create quick results.
To continue to anchor these results in my life, here is what I do: I record them on Garage Band or another audio recording program, then I save them as mp3s on my iPod. Then, I listen to them over and over: in the car, in the shower, while cooking… anytime I have a moment.
It’s worth taking the extra time to do this, because when you listen over and over to these statements in your own voice, your subconscious mind really gets the memo! It’s a great way to dissolve those fears and keep your mind focused on what you choose instead.
Try it and leave your comments below. I’d love to hear how it works for you!