If there’s one thing I’m sure of after 23 years of metaphysical study and 13 years of training and practice in intuitive readings, it’s this: God likes suprises. Especially now.
Have you ever thought you were going one way, then ended up somewhere totally different? And then realized you never would have gotten there unless you had headed the “wrong way” to begin with? Hmmmm…
It might make you feel stupid or lost, or like you can’t trust yourself or life. Actually you are doing very well when this happens. It’s just our habits of control or self-judgement that create these unloving stories.
I see people getting so hard on themselves, so frustrated looking for the big A-HA. The name, date and time when they’ll meet of their soulmate. The be-all end-all purpose for their life. And I see this questing paralyzing people.
So what do we do then when we so want to know but can’t predict the future? As I see it, the trick is in enjoying each moment and in following our guidance moment to moment.
And we all can do that. In fact, most of us really enjoy getting permission to do follow our momentary joy.
And I’m here to give you not only permission, but inspiration that it will actually lead you somewhere! Because I think that when most of us DON’T do this it’s because we dismiss it as frivolous or indulgent. it’s not.
Let me tell you a few stories:
Last summer at a retreat in Mount Shasta, I was guided to lead a New Year’s retreat with my friend Julie. I thought it would be in LA area. Julie agreed and then “happened” to meet Puma, who runs Grace Grove Retreat Center in Sedona where we were gave the retreat in January.
After the retreat I wanted to move in there and was strongly guided to stay in touch. As it turns out, Puma and her husband used to work with the Raw Spirit Festival and so recommended me to intern there… where I am headed now!
Another story…
I spent the first 3 days of my trip last week eating food from my car. Good food, mind you, but I was ready for something else so was very excited to find a Whole Foods in Salt Lake City. I got there hungry to a disappointing deli (bless LA and all it’s choices!) so asked the checker where to find a restaurant with organic food.
She didn’t seem to know but meanwhile there was a woman in line who took the time to draw me a map to 2 different restaurants. One of them “lit up” for me so I went only to find the menu didn’t look that great either. Hmmm…
I turned around and there was a Middle Eastern restaurant calling me strongly! So I went and not only had some of my favorite foods, which I had not expected and was delighted to find, but also found some amazing connections!
The waitress told me she was clairvoyant and into raw foods. I gave her the Raw Spirit flyer and she called the chef over who pointed to a man pictured on it. The chef said, “That’s my son. He owns the raw food restaurant here in town.” I felt totally connected in the miraculous flow of life!
Another story…
Years ago I met an amazing man when I was traveling as a singer/ songwriter. At the time I lived in Boulder, CO and was also active in African dance. I was heading down to New Mexico and had the feeling to look for a gig in El Paso, TX which is only a little ways south over the NM border.
So I asked a friend from dance (who had just moved up from El Paso) where I might play and she told me to call her friend, who ran a cafe, for a gig. The friend agreed and promised to promote me and put me up for the night.
When I arrived, the staff working knew nothing about my gig or the promise of a place to stay. So I was about to leave when one couple arrived to see me play. They were missing their singer/ songwriter son who had moved to Austin, and when they heard my story, offered that I stay with them.
My hit on that was “no” but I did agree to go to coffee with them. At the coffee shop, their friend arrived who told us about an African drumming workshop the next day. I had my djembe (African drum) with me and it sounded like fun so I went.
There I met the amazing man who offered I stay with him anytime I was in town. And so I was back several times over the next year and we are still in touch. Turns out, he is also friends with my friend in Boulder who “helped” me get that first gig that fell apart. So crazy and perfect!
If I had asked ahead of time where I’d be or how to get to any of these experiences I think my head would have been spinning, but by following moment-to-moment guidance it’s been so fun and easy every step. It’s nothing I could have figured out!
Is your head spinning trying to get answers? Let me know if I can help you enter the miracle zone instead. 🙂
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Intuitive Healer Ann O’Brien publishes the “Flowering Sol” email newsletter to help you blossom into your light. If you’re ready to open up your intuition and creative power to fulfill your dream life, get your free gifts at www.FloweringSol.com.
copyright 2010 Ann O’Brien- All Rights Reserved.
make beats online says
That was a fabulous piece. I do not agree with each single thing that you said but still excellent nonetheless. On a side note, I am so happy that the NFL is back. It seems like I been patiently waiting forever. This has to be my favorite time of the year. Sorry, I’m rambling. lol